20. – 22.02.2024

Electrical Engineering of Arc Furnaces

Düsseldorf, Germany


Directed by

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Krüger, Ingenieurbüro Klaus Krüger


  • Importance of the EAF in hydrogen concepts  
  • Physics of AC and DC arcs  
  • Design of the AC high-current system  
  • Equivalent circuit diagram of AC-EAF/OBF/SAF  
  • Short circuit and operating reactance  
  • Design of the AC high-current system  
  • Power supply of EAF and requirements for the supply network  
  • Excursus: New energy supply concepts for the EAF  
  • Furnace Transformers  
  • Circle and furnace power diagram of AC-EAF  
  • Electrical Layout of AC Furnaces  
  • Melting of DRI and HBI in the EAF  
  • Design and electrical system of the OBF/SAF  
  • Comparison of CO2 neutral routes: DR - EAF versus DR - OBF - Converter  
  • Closed loop power control of AC-furnaces  
  • Electric principles of DC-furnaces  
  • Energy Balance of the Electric Arc Furnace  
  • Comparism EAF-OBF/Smelter