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08. – 09.02.2024

YPIC 2024


YPIC 2024

YPIC 2024

1st Online Young Professionals International Conference


On 8th-9th February 2024 Young Professionals International Conference (YPIC) will be held online. We invite young professionals, young researchers, and students up to age of 35 years old to participate in the Conference. All registered participants both registered with presentation and without presentation as guests among students, Ph.D. candidates, young researchers, representatives of industrial enterprises and scientific organizations will receive certificate of participation from IIW. Outstanding presentations will be invited to join technical commission presentation at IIW annual assembly and be nominated for YPIC Award in July 2024.

The YPIC conferences aims to:

  • bring worldwide young professionals interested in welding and related technologies together
  • share and linkprofessional knowledge and experience with other young professionals in the field
  • provide a forum of professional discourse for sharing and harmonizing ideas
  • give a forum for networking

Presenters will be organized in different sessions during the two-day conference:

  • Ice-Breaking sessions
  • Academic presentations
  • Industrial presentations
  • Poster presentations
  • Quiz and group activities