As a pioneer of on-line measurement committed to extensive research and development activities, Zumbach Electronics has continuously grown as one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of in-line measuring and control systems. Top priority at Zumbach Electronics remains to be customer relationships through local presence combined with proven high-quality products, services, personal consulting and support.
The application of the PROFILEMASTER SPS systems has been adapted to serve specific measurement, monitoring and surface flaw detection under harsh environments of rolling mills for hot and cold steel rods, bars, profiles and much more. The systems are available with 4 up to 8 laser/camera modules and different measuring field sizes to cover product dimensions from 5 mm (.2 in.) up to 720 mm (28.3 in.).
The cross section of a moving profile can be measured continuously by combining the images of the individual cameras. All relevant dimensions such as width, height, angle and radius or other geometric quantities are displayed in an operator-friendly graphical user interface. The nominal profile shape can be directly imported from CAD design files (DXF), which allows a simple configuration of the device. Changes in speed and twist within normal limits have no influence on the measurement precision.
Main Features
Provides 100% inspection in real time
Reduces start-up time
Increases the repeatability and precision of your end product
Improves process control
Reduces scraps
Saves raw material and post processing costs
Detects process problems at an early stage
Integrates in a seamless way to your network or higher-level systems
Simple cleaning requirements, giving short maintenance needs
Logging of all production data for QC department
Makes post production measurements irrelevant
Surface fault detection (SFD) thanks to high sampling rate
Compilation of a 3D model thanks to high sampling rate
Reliable operation in harsh conditions, product temperatures up to 1200° C
(Quelle: Zumbach Electronics AG)
INGProfileServiceTemperaturZumbach Electronics AG